Number of subcategories families are using

This is a histogram showing the number of subcategories families are using across the master content. What can be seen is that why are some families using more than 50 subcategories? Once these families are loaded into the project, these subcategories are also pushed into the project.


Some of the most used subcategories

“Most used” refers to particular subcategories that are used more than 100 times across master content.

Hidden Lines             4083
Medium Lines              607
Light Lines               546
Glass                     529
Heavy Lines               480
Opening                   443
Frame/Mullion             428
Center line               382
Panel                     272
Taps/Mixers               266
Waste Outlets             232
Penetration               231
Clearance Zones           228
FHRs/Hydrants             226
Fire Boosters/Pumps       224
Baths/Showers             222
Basins/Sinks/Tubs         221
Hardware                  216
Urinals                   216
Elevation Swing           189
Toilet/Bidets             178
Sill/Head                 166
Plan Swing                164
Seating_Freestanding      164
Swing_Elevation           161
Shower Fall               154
Swing_Plan                150
Circulation Space         141
Gas Supply Fixtures       140
Gas Cooking Equipment     140
Rigid Links               132
Location Lines            132
Thin Lines                110
Hidden Faces              107
Fittings                  101

Some of the least used subcategories

“Least used” refers to particular subcategories that are used under 100 times across master content. These are more likely subcategories that we should delete from our families.

Light Source                            92
Architrave/Trim                         92
Property Line Segments                  91
Property Lines                          91
Survey Point                            91
Project Base Point                      91
Pads                                    91
Stick Symbols                           85
Wide Lines                              84
Plan rep_Leaf_Thickness​              78
Thresholds                              77
Plan rep_Leaf_Single line               76
Shelving                                74
Grab Rails                              70
Downpipes                               68
Glazing - Aluminium                     68
Door Swing                              67
Elevation_Swing​                      66
Toilets/Bidets                          65
Structural Opening                      63
Elevation_Linework_Shelving             59
Carcass                                 59
Hardware_Setout reference               59
Section_Linework_Shelf hole             59
Door/Drawer Leaf                        59
Elevation_Linework_Swing                59
Elevation_Linework_Carcass thickness    59
End Panel                               59
Appliance_Fixed                         56
Thickest Lines                          55
Futsal Court Size Range                  1
Sprinkler - Pump House                   1
CW100                                    1
F100                                     1
Handrail                                 1
Toilet                                   1
Stationary                               1
Detail Component - Callout Boundary      1
WarningMessage                           1
FORMAT                                   1
Penetration_Elevation_Linework           1
Netball Court                            1
Starting Blocks                          1
Linee medie                              1
Fire Hose Reel                           1
Awning FC Plan                           1
Over Head                                1
Stripe                                   1
Chain Gate                               1
ZEE Sextion                              1
LINE5                                    1
Caster                                   1
AFL Field                                1
TITLE                                    1
Futsal Court                             1
Awning Frame                             1
Grate Drain                              1
AM_0N                                    1
z2D                                      1
HIDDEN                                   1

Sample list of families that use a high number of subcategories

FamilyName count
Articulated Vehicle_SIT 24
BVN-Casework - ALL - FAMILY 23
Car And Trailer_SIT 24
DCW_Door_Glass Sliding Double 21
Drainage_Roof Drain 100mm_DCO 56
Drainage_Roof Drain 150mm_DCO 56
Drainage_Roof Drain 200mm_DCO 56
Drainage_Roof Drain_DCO 56
Exit_Fire Directional Sign Arrow 21
Fire Extinguisher_Wall Based_PLU 22
Graphic Scale 1_050_BL Justified_Grey_ANN 21
Graphic Scale 1_1000_BL Justified_Grey_ANN 21
Graphic Scale 1_100_BL Justified_Grey_ANN 21
Graphic Scale 1_2000_BL Justified_Grey_ANN 21
Small Rigid Vehicle_SIT 24
Swing_Double_DOR 44
Swing_Single_DOR 44
WC_Wall Mounted Cistern_Caroma_Regal II_PLU 24

BVN vs non BVN Subcats

BVN has their standard list of subcategories that families should use - this ensures consistency throughout the project. This list can be found in newforma or here. Below is a sample list of families that have BVN and non BVN standard subcategories.

FamilyFilePath FamilyName Category Subcategory BVNsubcat
0 Windows\Structural Window_Square Opening_WIN Windows Frame/Mullion True
1 Windows\Structural Window_Square Opening_WIN Windows Glass True
2 Windows\Structural Window_Square Opening_WIN Windows Opening True
3 Windows\Structural Window_Square Opening_WIN Windows Overhead False
4 Windows\Structural Window_Square Opening_WIN Windows Opening Elevation False
5 Windows\Structural Window_Square Opening_WIN Windows Sill/Head True

Families with non-BVN subcategories

There is total of 642 subcategories across the master content that are not part of BVN’s subcategories list. Below is a sample list that tells you the problem family and their wrong subcategory name.

FamilyFilePath FamilyName Category Subcategory BVNsubcat
3 Windows\Structural Window_Square Opening_WIN Windows Overhead False
4 Windows\Structural Window_Square Opening_WIN Windows Opening Elevation False
10 Windows\Structural Window_Round Opening_WIN Windows Overhead False
11 Windows\Structural Window_Round Opening_WIN Windows Opening Elevation False
14 Windows\Special Window Round_basic Windows Trim False
18 Windows\Special Window Round_basic Windows Elevation Swing False

Sample list of the no. of times non-BVN subcategories are used

Heavy Lines                             480
Waste Outlets                           232
FHRs/Hydrants                           226
Elevation Swing                         189
Toilet/Bidets                           178
Plan Swing                              164
Shower Fall                             154
Circulation Space                       141
Gas Supply Fixtures                     140
Gas Cooking Equipment                   140
Location Lines                          132
Thin Lines                              110
Fittings                                101
Property Line Segments                   91
Survey Point                             91
Project Base Point                       91
Wide Lines                               84
Plan rep_Leaf_Thickness​               78
Plan rep_Leaf_Single line                76
Glazing - Aluminium                      68
Door Swing                               67
Elevation_Swing​                       66
Elevation_Linework_Swing                 59
Hardware_Setout reference                59
End Panel                                59
Elevation_Linework_Shelving              59
Door/Drawer Leaf                         59
Elevation_Linework_Carcass thickness     59
Section_Linework_Shelf hole              59
Carcass                                  59
FORMAT                                    1
Park Bench                                1
Traffic Lights                            1
DIMENSIONS                                1
CW100                                     1
Linee spesse                              1
TEX25                                     1
Awning Strut                              1
Chain Gate                                1
ZEE Sextion                               1
Win-Door Arrow                            1
SEAT-LUMBAR                               1
Beam Hidden                               1
Awning Sheeting                           1
Solid 3 Black                             1
Taps/Mixer                                1
Hidden Tight                              1
Glides                                    1
Glider                                    1
AM_8N                                     1
LINE35                                    1
Cubicle_Wall                              1
Slab Fixture                              1
SEAT-BASE                                 1
SEAT-CASTER                               1
Grate Drain                               1
Awning Frame                              1
AFL Field                                 1
D2_TRUCK_TURNING                          1
BALUSTRADE TYPE 4                         1