Number of families a revit category

The image below represents the number of families there are there are in a category.


No. of families in each folder (With a high count)

This shows the categories that have a more than 15 families in them. Detail items account for 1/5 of the master content - containing just over 1000 families. Then it drops dramatically to just over 400 within the Plumbing fixture category.


No. of families in a Category (Worst Offenders)

The table below shows the categories that have 2 or less families.

Roof Tags                               2
Revision Cloud Tags                     2
Door Tags                               2
Data Devices                            2
Structural Area Reinforcement Tags      2
Area Load Tags                          2
Planting Tags                           2
Conduit Fitting Tags                    2
Internal Line Load Tags                 2
Casework Tags                           2
Assembly Tags                           2
Lighting Device Tags                    2
Railing Tags                            2
Cable Tray Fitting Tags                 2
Wire Tags                               2
Structural Rebar Tags                   2
Structural Fabric Reinforcement Tags    2
Supports                                2
Data Device Tags                        2
Point Load Tags                         2
Nurse Call Device Tags                  2
Duct Fitting Tags                       2
Structural Truss Tags                   2
Telephone Device Tags                   2
Sprinkler Tags                          2
Communication Device Tags               2
Stair Support Tags                      2
Part Tags                               2
Mass Floor Tags                         2
Stair Tags                              2
Pipe Fitting Tags                       2
Line Load Tags                          2
Furniture System Tags                   2
Mass Tags                               2
Internal Area Load Tags                 2
Fire Alarm Device Tags                  2
Stair Run Tags                          2
Curtain Panel Tags                      2
Structural Path Reinforcement Tags      2
Internal Point Load Tags                2
Furniture Tags                          2
Security Device Tags                    2
Zone Tags                               2
Air Terminal Tags                       2
Terminations                            1
Span Direction Symbol                   1